LVN · Central Eltham Youth Project

Central Eltham Youth Project

CEYP supports young people, their families and the wider communities in Greater London.

Our free services include:

Geffery's Hall: Geffery's Hall is our community building in Bromley Borough. For information about services there, please visit our website

Free, confidential, independent advice: Welfare Rights (Benefits), Housing & Homelessness, Employment, Consumer, Money Management and Dealing with Debts

Careers information, advice and guidance: CV writing, help finding employment, education & training, mock interviews

Volunteer opportunities: Volunteer opportunities at CEYP or let us help you find something with another organisation

Accredited learning: Access a range of short courses and accredited training

Social Action: Team Challenges, Community Projects, lobbying and social policy to change things for the better

Personal, social and health education: Condom distribution service, referral to sexual health, drug & alcohol services


Central Eltham Youth Project

CEYP supports young people, their families and the wider communities in Greater London.

Our free services include:

Geffery's Hall: Geffery's Hall is our community building in Bromley Borough. For information about services there, please visit our website

Free, confidential, independent advice: Welfare Rights (Benefits), Housing & Homelessness, Employment, Consumer, Money Management and Dealing with Debts

Careers information, advice and guidance: CV writing, help finding employment, education & training, mock interviews

Volunteer opportunities: Volunteer opportunities at CEYP or let us help you find something with another organisation

Accredited learning: Access a range of short courses and accredited training

Social Action: Team Challenges, Community Projects, lobbying and social policy to change things for the better

Personal, social and health education: Condom distribution service, referral to sexual health, drug & alcohol services