LVN ยท Barking & Dagenham Giving - Local Funders For Youth Project

Barking & Dagenham Giving - Local Funders For Youth Project

BD Giving create opportunities for people and organisations that have a stake in the borough to work together to address the most pressing issues in the borough. We believe involving everyone in decisions that impact their lives and in creating meaningful change for themselves, their family and their neighbourhood.

Follow the link to see details on Barking & Dagenham Giving's past and present funding projects; to apply for funding; or if you're interested in becoming a decision-maker and helping decide how the funding is allocated to local community groups.

Barking & Dagenham Giving - Local Funders For Youth Project

BD Giving create opportunities for people and organisations that have a stake in the borough to work together to address the most pressing issues in the borough. We believe involving everyone in decisions that impact their lives and in creating meaningful change for themselves, their family and their neighbourhood.

Follow the link to see details on Barking & Dagenham Giving's past and present funding projects; to apply for funding; or if you're interested in becoming a decision-maker and helping decide how the funding is allocated to local community groups.