LVN · Croydon Commitment

Croydon Commitment

Since 2004, Croydon Commitment has supported hundreds of local organisations and many thousands of residents as well as raising significant amounts of money for the Grassroots Trust. Croydon Commitment's projects have been centred around Employability, Education, Environment, Social Inclusion and Health and Wellbeing.

Follow the link to view the up-to-date programme of events and opportunities, typically including help with your CV, volunteering opportunities, careers and employability support, and courses to gain professional and personal skills.


Croydon Commitment

Since 2004, Croydon Commitment has supported hundreds of local organisations and many thousands of residents as well as raising significant amounts of money for the Grassroots Trust. Croydon Commitment's projects have been centred around Employability, Education, Environment, Social Inclusion and Health and Wellbeing.

Follow the link to view the up-to-date programme of events and opportunities, typically including help with your CV, volunteering opportunities, careers and employability support, and courses to gain professional and personal skills.