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National Centre for Circus Arts

The National Centre for Circus Arts is a registered charity and one of Europe’s leading providers of circus education. Based in a magnificent Victorian power station adjacent to Hoxton Square, we involve thousands of people in the creation and performance of circus arts every year. Over half of the ...
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Talk Together Bromley

Talk together Bromley is a free NHS evidence-based talking therapy service for people aged 18 years and over, who are anxious, stressed, have low mood or suffer from depression. We provide a range of treatment programmes including one-to-one therapy, counselling and group work. At least one in four ...
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Bromley Y

  Free support for children, young people and their families. Our main service is the mental health and emotional wellbeing service in Bromley. Which provides a single point of access for the emotional wellbeing of young people in Bromley. 'Our vision is one in which children can enjoy life growin...
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Anti-Bullying Alliance - Support and Online Training

We are a unique coalition of organisations and individuals, working together to achieve our vision to: stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. The ABA has three main areas of work: Supporting learning and sharing best practice...
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Family Lives

Family Lives was formed over forty years ago by volunteers, with the aim of ensuring that all parents had somewhere to turn before they reached crisis point. We know that the right support at the right time makes all the difference. Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis suppor...
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Bullying at School - Gov UK

Bullying at school and the law - what your school and the police must do about bullying and how you should report it. Containing info on: The Law (concerning Bullying) Reporting Bullying Bullying outside school A definition of Bullying
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Lewisham Council - Drugs & Alcohol

Useful information about the advice, help and treatment available in the borough for drug and alcohol users and the families and carers of drug and alcohol users. Information on the support offered in Lewisham for drug and alcohol recovery. Resources for those worried about the alcohol or drug us...
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NHS - Getting Contraception

Contraception is free for most people in the UK, and there are are about 15 types to choose from. Find out what's available and where you can get it. Contraceptive methods protect against pregnancy. If you use contraception correctly, you can have sex without worrying about getting pregnant or gett...
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Doc Ready - Helping You to Get Doc Ready

We know it can be difficult to talk about mental health and especially hard to talk to people or ask for help. We’ve put together some tools that will help you prepare for the first time you visit a doctor to discuss your mental health. Find information and advice about speaking to a GP about your m...
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The Deborah Ubee Trust

We believe in emotional health and wellbeing for all. We’re a Greenwich-based charity that promotes emotional health and wellbeing, and offers a range of therapeutic services. We support people of all ages and from all walks of life, irrespective of their ability to pay. Adult services include: ...