LVN ยท Well Happy (App)

Well Happy (App)

Well Happy is a free health app which aims to help young people in London age 12-25 to find local support services in and around London including mental health, sexual health, drugs, alcohol and stop smoking services.

Well Happy empowers young people to take control of their health and includes a number of useful features including FAQs, jargon busters and information about rights and advocacy.

The app also links to the Well Happy website which has lots of other interesting news, information and blogs for young Londoners.

The search facility includes all the mental health, sexual health, drug, alcohol and smoking support services for young people in London.

You can search by area or postcode, view results on a map and find a range of information to help you choose the services you might need from time to time.

Well Happy (App)

Well Happy is a free health app which aims to help young people in London age 12-25 to find local support services in and around London including mental health, sexual health, drugs, alcohol and stop smoking services.

Well Happy empowers young people to take control of their health and includes a number of useful features including FAQs, jargon busters and information about rights and advocacy.

The app also links to the Well Happy website which has lots of other interesting news, information and blogs for young Londoners.

The search facility includes all the mental health, sexual health, drug, alcohol and smoking support services for young people in London.

You can search by area or postcode, view results on a map and find a range of information to help you choose the services you might need from time to time.