LVN · Calm Harm (App)

Calm Harm (App)

Worried about self-harm?

Download the free Calm Harm app

Featured on NHS Apps Library

The urge to self-harm is like a wave.

It feels the most powerful when you start wanting to do it.

Learn to ride the wave with the free Calm Harm app using these activities:

ComfortDistract, Express YourselfReleaseRandom and Breathe.

When you ride the wave, the urge to self-harm will fade.

Calm Harm is an award-winning app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, using the basic principles of an evidence-based therapy called Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).

Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you so wish. You will be able to track your progress and notice change.

Please note the app is an aid in treatment but does not replace it.

Calm Harm (App)

Worried about self-harm?

Download the free Calm Harm app

Featured on NHS Apps Library

The urge to self-harm is like a wave.

It feels the most powerful when you start wanting to do it.

Learn to ride the wave with the free Calm Harm app using these activities:

ComfortDistract, Express YourselfReleaseRandom and Breathe.

When you ride the wave, the urge to self-harm will fade.

Calm Harm is an award-winning app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4 by Dr Nihara Krause, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, using the basic principles of an evidence-based therapy called Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).

Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you so wish. You will be able to track your progress and notice change.

Please note the app is an aid in treatment but does not replace it.