LVN ยท Marie Stopes

Marie Stopes

COVID-19 Guidance: We are open as usual and we are here if you need us (14 April 2020)

Marie Stopes UK's priority is continuing to deliver care to the women who need us.

Unless we have contacted to tell you otherwise, please be assured that your appointment is going ahead as normal.

Brand-new TELEMEDICINE service - At Home Abortion Pills

Following initial screening, a phone consultation and all necessary safeguarding checks, eligible women will be able to take both sets of abortion pills at home WITHOUT attending a clinic.

You can self-refer

Remember that you don't need a GP referral to access our services. You can call our advice line 24 hours a day, everyday.

Please visit our website for more information on our services and the recommended Covid-19 precautions.

Call our 24 hour advice line for a consultation tomorrow and treatment within 48 hours

Marie Stopes

COVID-19 Guidance: We are open as usual and we are here if you need us (14 April 2020)

Marie Stopes UK's priority is continuing to deliver care to the women who need us.

Unless we have contacted to tell you otherwise, please be assured that your appointment is going ahead as normal.

Brand-new TELEMEDICINE service - At Home Abortion Pills

Following initial screening, a phone consultation and all necessary safeguarding checks, eligible women will be able to take both sets of abortion pills at home WITHOUT attending a clinic.

You can self-refer

Remember that you don't need a GP referral to access our services. You can call our advice line 24 hours a day, everyday.

Please visit our website for more information on our services and the recommended Covid-19 precautions.

Call our 24 hour advice line for a consultation tomorrow and treatment within 48 hours