LVN · Explore Youth Opportunities
One-stop shop for youth activities across London. Take control of your future.

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Maximus UK - Probation Education, Training and Employment

Finding a job can be an anxious time for some people. We understand the concerns, challenges and barriers faced by many. That’s where we can help. If you’re looking for work in East and South East London, the Work and Health Programme Job Entry: Targeted Support service can help you. Our support is ...
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Maximus UK - Adult Education Budget

Finding a job can be an anxious time for some people. We understand the concerns, challenges and barriers faced by many. That’s where we can help. We offer a variety of free courses, via the Adult Education Budget, including Functional Skills English and Maths, ESOL, Team Leading, Customer Service, ...
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Maximus UK - Pathways to Employment, Education and Training Programme

Finding a job can be an anxious time for some people. We understand the concerns, challenges and barriers faced by many. That’s where we can help. Are you aged 16-24, based in East London, and need support with your confidence, skills, training, qualifications and employment? The Pathways to Employm...
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Maximus UK - Restart Scheme

Whether you’re a young person looking for your first job, a career professional looking to move into a new sector, or a lone parent needing flexibility to look after your family, our team of experts have the training and expertise you need to take the next steps. We work across the UK, delivering a ...
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Persevering: Grief As Told By Young People Podcast

Persevering: Grief As Told By Young People: a new podcast which has been recently created by 16-20 year olds as part of the Let's Talk About Loss youth board. This podcast is an authentic conversation looking at different aspects of bereavement and what it's like to lose someone at a young age. Epis...
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London Green Champions - Free OCN Qualification

London Green Champions is a youth-led environmental project supporting young people to reignite their access and presence in green spaces across the capital, empowering them to become London Green Champions. The project seeks to encourage young people to learn more about the environment, discuss comm...
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WellGrounded - FREE 4-8 Week Specialty Barista Course / Coffee Traineeship

We have a 4-week Specialty Barista Course and a 8-Week Specialty Coffee Traineeship. Both courses offer part-time training including work experience,  hands-on coffee and work-readiness training, industry focused CV writing, and L2 Food Safety & Customer Service accreditations. Also, an internati...
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Technicians - Gatsby Charitable Foundation

Do you enjoy solving problems? If so, you have one of the skills you need to be a great technician. Technicians do interesting and important jobs in almost every part of the economy. You might not always see us, but you definitely see the difference we make Our aim is to increase the understanding ...
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Youth Mix - Young Leaders Programme

Are you looking to develop your skills, gain experience in a strategy, project delivery and make a difference to young people? Apply to become a Youth Mix Young Leader! Our Young Leaders help drive the strategic direction of the charity. You will help us to ensure the programmes and services that we...
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ASPIRE 2022 - 2024

ASPIRE is a six-month creative freelancer training programme for aspiring photographers, filmmakers, web developers, and graphic designers. The programme will have training sessions on networking, dealing with difficult clients, tax and bookkeeping, and time management/organisational skills. There wi...