LVN · Explore Youth Opportunities
One-stop shop for youth activities across London. Take control of your future.

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Royal Opera House: Young People

Services for Young People: Schools' Matinees Chance to Dance Our Chance to Dance programme offers creative dance workshops in primary schools across Lambeth, Southwark and Thurrock and supports children to develop their dance and performance skills. Young Creatives Our choreographic programme fo...
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KX Recruit

KX Recruit is the recruitment agency that matches employers with jobseekers at King’s Cross. We are passionate about King’s Cross and are here to help local business to find the right staff, and at the same time help local people to access the job opportunities created by the redevelopment of King’s...
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Central London Works

What will you get out of Central London Works? Caseworker Your dedicated employment specialist will help you move into work at your pace. They can also offer support for skills, health, housing and local government services. Online support Access to a digital service that allows you to do things ...
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Future Path

At Future Path, we aspire to be known as the foremost provider of demand-led services that change people's lives. Delivery of employment and skills support to the most disadvantaged communities: Through our directly delivered services, we work with unemployed adults to bring about lasting, positive...
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Camden Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16+.  Many employers offer apprenticeships with flexible hours to suit candidates’ commitments. Training providers offer support for those with additional needs. You can access the Camden Apprenticeships service if you: are a Camden resident, former Camden...
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AltGen supports 18-29 year olds to set up workers co-operatives as a way of reclaiming control over our work and creating a more equal and sustainable economy. We are told time and time again that we are the generation without a future – the first ever to inherit an economic reality worse than the g...
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Students for Cooperation

Students for Cooperation is a newly established national body created to help develop and support student co-operatives across the UK. It is democratically controlled and owned by its constituent co-ops and works to create new groups by providing training, workshops and support. It aims to create a...
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CVS Brent

CVS Brent is an independent, capacity building organisation, supporting groups providing community services on a not-for-profit basis, on behalf of the local community; particularly those local to Brent. We contribute to the creation of an independent, trusted and sustainable voluntary, community an...
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Youth Engagement Solutions: Self Defence Classes

Self Defence Classes Participants will have the opportunity to increase fitness, learn how to defend themselves and engage in traditional forms of self-defence! Age: 10 - 18 years Gender: All Every Thursday from 6 pm - 8 pm @ The Granville 140 Carlton Vale, London NW6 5HE Any questions? Feel free...
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Get funding to train and learn

Our Development Awards can cover the cost of course fees, tools or equipment to help you achieve your goals. You have to be Aged 16 to 30 and living in the UK Studying less than 14 hours a week or not in compulsory education Unemployed or working less than 16 hours a week Development Awards c...