Tel: 07452 743443 Word 4 Weapons is a leading UK weapons-surrender charity that places knife bins in a number of UK towns and cities. We also offer a range of education services including training for youth workers, awareness sessions and a range of useful resources for schools and young people. Wo...
BAAM - The British Association of Anger Management
Tel: 0345 1300 286 Please Note: We are not a helpline, we are a private organisation not a charity and we charge for all our services. If you want to be assessed to see if BAAM can be of any use to you, Mike Fisher our training director is available for assessments at a fee. We are the UK’s leading...
NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000 Everything we do protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow, to transform society for every childhood. Whether you want support and advice for adapting to family life in lockdown, or you’re worried about a child, we’re here to help. The NSPCC helpline is staff...
Bullying UK
Tel: 0808 800 2222 Email: Bullying affects lots of people and can happen to anyone at any place including school, work, within families or in the community. Helping our children build resilience and confidence is one of the most important gifts we can give them. We all u...
NHS Direct 111
Tel: 111 111 is a new telephone service brought to you by the NHS. It is the number you should call when you need advice or medical treatment quickly, and you cannot wait for an appointment to see your doctor. If you need emergency medical treatment, you must call 999. An emergency is when someone ...
NHS Smoking Helpline
Helpline: 0300 123 1044 Monday to Friday: 9am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday: 11am to 4pm It's never too late to quit smoking. Read about the free support, advice, and tools available to help you quit successfully. Giving up smoking is one of the best things you'll ever do for your health. There are l...
Alcoholics Anonymous
Helpline: 0800 9177 650 If you need help with a drinking problem either phone our national helpline for free, contact us by email, or talk to us using the live chat on our website. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope wi...
NHS Credit Crunch Stressline
Call: 0300 123 2000 Worried about your finances? So much you can’t sleep? Or fear the worst? Call the NHS Credit Crunch Stressline. Job insecurity, redundancy, debt and money problems can all cause feelings of distress. When times are tough, it’s quite natural to feel worried or down. It’s when t...
Staying Safe - from Suicidal Thoughts
If you’re struggling and you’re not sure if you want to live or die, can you, just for now hold off making this decision and keep reading and watching the videos for some ideas about how to get through. There may be things that you - and other people - can do to make things better. You may have fou...
Call: 116 123 Samaritans works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone. Every day, we respond to around 10,000 calls for help. No judgement. No pressure. We're here for anyone who needs someone. In addition to the services we provide, an important part of our work is ...
Girl Guiding
Girlguiding is all about fun, friendships and new experiences – whether your daughter wants to join Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers, sign her up today.
CXK Services for Young People
At CXK we’re proud to provide training courses, development programmes and emotional support, advice and guidance which help young people to develop the skills and confidence to take their next steps in life. Whether you’re looking for careers advice, want to develop your confidence, are looking to ...
Digital Youth Centre
Join in with our online activities, resources and games. Here you'll find some ways to connect, learn and play. The YMCA St Paul’s Group Digital Youth Centre was designed as a response to the Covid 19 situation. The lockdown in March meant the closure of our youth centres and spaces. Our aim is to p...
Services for Young People - Haringey Youth Space
We recognise that sometimes young people require support, advice and guidance from services specifically geared towards their needs. Find out about the local Haringey services for young people around the topics that matter to young people: Haringey Community Gold Engaging with young people where t...
Jobs and Apprenticeships - Haringey Youth Space
Browse the various jobs, apprenticeship opportunities, training providers, and traineeships available on the Haringey Youth Space website - some of which are available only to residents of Haringey.
Alternative Education Providers - Haringey Youth Space
Find out what alternatives to universities and colleges are available in the Haringey area. Collage Arts (formerly Haringey Arts Council) is a leading arts development, training and creative regeneration organisation seeking to provide greater access and support to under-represented sections of t...
National Association for People Abused in Childhood
Advice for young adults on recovering from childhood abuse Take control of your story. If you’re unsure of who to talk to, regarding yourself or even someone who has disclosed to you, you can always talk to us. We’re here to listen, and our primary aim is ensuring that you receive the support and i...
Survivors UK
National Online Helpline for male survivors of rape and sexual abuse. SurvivorsUK run the National Male Survivors Online Helpline and Webchat Service which is a chat service for men who have experienced sexual abuse either as a child or an adult and allows you to have a confidential one-to-one chat ...
Local Further Education Providers - Haringey Youth Space
View details on the various further education providers in and around the Haringey area and what they can offer you. College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London Gain the skills and knowledge that employers and universities want. Earn a wage while completing Apprenticeships Gain qualifica...
Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence
Our confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK as well as their friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues and employers. We provide an information, support and signposting service to men suffering from domestic abuse from their curren...
Safeline: Counselling & Therapy
Safeline has a large team of counsellors and therapists dedicated to helping people who have experienced sexual abuse at any time in their lives. We work with adults and children aged five and upwards and offer our counselling services free of charge to anyone who may have been affected. This inclu...
Choices at 16 - Haringey Youth Space
Haringey Early Help Service offers support, advice, guidance and information to all young people between the ages of 16 to 19 on a range of post-16 opportunities in education, training and employment. We also offer advice on other issues such as housing, health and finances etc. We have a number of...
Support for children and young people who are survivors of rape or sexual abuse 1 in 20 children and young people in the UK have been sexually abused. At Safeline we know that our services can make a difference and we have over 20 years’ experience of working with young survivors so they can heal...
Young Carers Project - Haringey Youth Space
Young carers are children and young people aged 5-18 who help to care for someone in their family who suffers from mental illness, physical illness, disability or drug/alcohol abuse. Haringey Young Carers Project provides regular group activities for young carers aged 11-18. These sessions include ...
Support for men and boys who are survivors of rape or sexual abuse 1 in 6 men have been targets of rape or sexual abuse, that’s 5 million men in the UK. Abusers don’t discriminate – it can happen to any man, of any age, race, class or sexual identity. Our trained professionals provide a range of...
Care Leavers - Haringey Youth Space
If you have been in care for 13 weeks without a break and are in care on or after your 16th birthday, you have the right to have access to leaving care services. Here you will find details of the services available to you, as well as some useful resources: Aspire: Children in Care Council A youth-l...
Rape Crisis UK
Here you can find a breakdown of some language around sexual violence that might be unfamiliar and other info that could be helpful if you've experienced sexual violence, or are supporting someone who has. What is sexual violence? Rape Crisis services Privacy & anonymity Supporting a surviv...
Bruce Grove - Haringey Youth Space
We offer a range of sports to encourage healthy lifestyles, specific activities targeting girls, new experiences, a focus on developing life skills and promoting inclusion of young people with SEND. We will offer you new challenges, new experiences that will stretch your knowledge, skills and attitu...
nia: Delivering cutting edge services to end violence against women and children.
nia runs services for women and girls who have been subjected to sexual and domestic violence and abuse, including prostitution. East London Rape Crisis Service provides free, confidential specialist help for women and girls who have been raped or experienced any other form of sexual violence at a...
Redbridge Contraception Information
Information for young people in Redbridge on contraception, what it is, how it works, the importance and where to get it within the borough.